Saferay Services Launches O&M for Largest 82 MWp PV Project in Japan

🎉 saferay services started Operations & Maintenance of its largest utility-scale #PV project in #Japan to date.

☀️ With a whopping 82 MWp of installed DC capacity, ~150,000 solar panels, 96 central inverters, 12 ponds, and an Extra High Voltage Substation, this project will feed clean energy into the disaster-stricken northeastern Tohoku region of Japan, interconnected to Tokyo.

Only 3 years after the successful launch of Saferay Services Japan, this becomes a major milestone in large-scale asset maintenance management for our team of experts and specialists.

We look forward to continue upscaling our services, with an emphasis on cost optimization, technological diversification and digitalization.

Saferay on Tour: Supporting Japan’s Energy Transition

Our Managing Director, Karsten Klug, is currently in Japan, leading inspections of our solar assets as part of his work with Saferay Group. Since 2015, Saferay Japan has been a key player in the local energy market, managing 13 solar power plants with a total capacity of approximately 250 MWp—150 MW of which are Saferay’s own assets. With over 30 skilled employees, we’re proud to be the largest entity within the Saferay Group, driving forward Japan’s energy transformation.

Our team in Japan expertly manages various sites and inverter technologies, including Schneider Electric XC, Smart Gen, SMA Kodiak (MVPS), TMEIC, and Huawei. The majority of our portfolio consists of central inverters, and our highly trained team not only performs O&M, Monitoring and annual maintenance but also handles in-house repairs where possible, minimizing downtime and optimizing performance.

A special shoutout to the Saferay Japan team for their ongoing dedication and professionalism. Visiting both the power plants and our Tokyo headquarters is always a highlight! If you need expert support Solar O&M, central inverter service or BESS projects—whether it’s maintenance, repairs, or spare parts—Saferay Services is here to help with our Japan Team.

#saferaygroup #solarjapan #centralinverters #inverters #smasolar #SchneiderElectric #TMEIC #Huawei #operationsandmaintenance #inverterrepair #BESS #energysolutions

Global Renewable Energy Solutions: Saferay Group Launches State-of-the-Art Monitoring Center in India

🎉 On 1 April we will inaugurate our new Monitoring Center in India, from where saferay Group will provide global monitoring & remote operation services to our growing portfolio of PV & BESS clients. Our services will be delivered by a setup of highly qualified and talented renewable energy specialized engineers equipped with the latest generation software, hardware, automation and telecommunications tools.  

Please contact us to inquire more details about our PV & BESS monitoring & remote operation services.  

#PV #BESS #solar #operationsandmaintenance

Back in Japan 2023

I am currently back in Japan to visit our local team and work on some new projects.
Yesterday we had our annual Chief Electrical Engineer (CEE) reunion with our saferay CEEs and Field Service Engineers. This year the team has grown again and we welcomed some new faces in Tokyo. It was a great day with lots of interesting training content and information. Our multicultural Japan team is very hands on, innovative and super motivated. I am proud of our team and what we have built up together over the last few years. Our O&M team now manages utility scale solar power plants in Japan with more than 250 MW, 100 MW of which are for external customers.
To celebrate the day, there was of course delicious Japanese food in the evening 🙂
I am already looking forward to the next visit.

#solarjapan #saferay #operationsandmaintenance #renewablesjapan

SAMEU conference

It’s SAMEU conference time again. 11th edition for me over the last 12 years. Looking forward to many interesting discussions, reunions, presentations and fellow solar enthusiasts.
Konstantin and me will attend today and tomorrow at Kap Europa Frankfurt Solar Asset Management Summit 2023.

#sameu #bluerayservices #saferay #solarplazasummit #solareurope

Japan Trip day 7

(Day 7) Last site visit today. Inspection at a site in Fukushima where our team of saferay services KK is performing the O&M activities for a client. Nice view from the site. Currently grass cutting is ongoing as a lot of bushes and even pine trees fancy the shade below the panels. First time for me visiting this site but happy to return.

Japan Trip day 4

(Day 4). After an office day in Tokyo with meetings and a lot of brainstorming, today we went to the northeast of Japan to Iwate. About 3 Shinkansen hours away from Tokyo saferay operates a 20MW plant in that beautiful rural area, surrounded by rice fields and Edamame fields.
After initial difficulties due to very high snowfallin 2020 and 2021, the plant is now running excellently thanks to the good work of the local and Tokyo team. The 2.5MW SunnyCentral inverters from SMA usually run stably and the on-site team is able to provide a very high availability thanks to appropriate support, spare parts stocking and a lot of dedication.
I like to visit this plant again and again. We were even able to discover a kind of mini lobster family by chance in the drainage channels of the plant today 🙂
In the winter months, up to 2m of snow or more can certainly accumulate here. However, by using 2 Sunbrush snow clearing machines, snow blowers and snow plows last winter we were able to maximize yields, clear snow even on the modules and minimize damage from the high snow load. Thanks to the great saferay Iwate team.

#saferay #iwatesolar #iwate #greatteam

Japan Trip day 2

(Day 2). Together with Ezhil (managing director at saferay India, our monitoring, reporting and data analysis branch) we are visiting various sites of our own portfolio and third party O&M portfolio.

Today we were on the road in Kyushu and visited a 21 MW and a 3 MW plant. Kyushu, with its difficult topography and a lot of rainfall, has its own challenges. Our Kyushu team works daily to operate, optimise and maintain the plants. Thank you for your hard work!

#kyushu #solarjapan #operationsandmaintenance

Japan Trip day 1

Finally back in Tokyo. First time this year. Due time to visit our team and sites across Japan.
(Day 1) Started today with a smaller site close to Osaka for which our Japan O&M company saferay services KK ( is providing O&M services to a third party client.
Looking forward to meeting our amazing Japan team over the next week.

#Operationsandmaintenance #solarjapan

21 MWp plant on Kyushu

Great news… we are pleased to announce today that saferay services KK has signed an O&M contract to support another utility scale solar power plant in Japan. 

From June, the saferay team will take care of the operation, inspection, maintenance and repair of a 21 MWp plant on Kyushu. We look forward to ensuring smooth operations, maximising availability and performance, and providing optimal service to our partner.

saferay services KK is a service provider for utility scale solar power plants in Japan and currently operates >77 MW of third party power plants across the country. The scope of services includes operation & maintenance, asset management, repowering and technical consulting for utility scale solar power plants and battery energy storage systems in Japan. saferay services is part of the saferay group, which owns and manages more than 350 MW of its own plants worldwide, including >170 MW in Japan.