
Japan Trip day 4

(Day 4). After an office day in Tokyo with meetings and a lot of brainstorming, today we went to the northeast of Japan to Iwate. About 3 Shinkansen hours away from Tokyo saferay operates a 20MW plant in that beautiful rural area, surrounded by rice fields and Edamame fields.
After initial difficulties due to very high snowfallin 2020 and 2021, the plant is now running excellently thanks to the good work of the local and Tokyo team. The 2.5MW SunnyCentral inverters from SMA usually run stably and the on-site team is able to provide a very high availability thanks to appropriate support, spare parts stocking and a lot of dedication.
I like to visit this plant again and again. We were even able to discover a kind of mini lobster family by chance in the drainage channels of the plant today 🙂
In the winter months, up to 2m of snow or more can certainly accumulate here. However, by using 2 Sunbrush snow clearing machines, snow blowers and snow plows last winter we were able to maximize yields, clear snow even on the modules and minimize damage from the high snow load. Thanks to the great saferay Iwate team.

#saferay #iwatesolar #iwate #greatteam